The congress will be held on 5th-7th November 2025 by the cooperation of Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University, Kodolányi János University Budapest, Università di Trento, Universidade de São Paulo and Varna University of Management in Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism (Sapanca).
The congress aims to be a scientific platform where new generations and trends in both tourism literature and practice will be discussed. There are ongoing developments and changes in political, economic, social, practical and scientific aspects of both literature and tourism sector. These developments causes theories, implications and business model to transform and evolve into new forms. Thus, the goal of the congress is to catch up latest developments to enlighten researchers and practitioners studying and working on tourism field. Respected contributors of this congress are expected to deliver paper focusing on latest generations and trend about tourism industry.
The congress welcome researchers from Turkey and all around the world who prepare scientific papers about discussion and elevation of future of tourism. The target audience of the congress are professionals working on field, researchers, graduate and post-graduate students, local, national and international decision makers. Hence, participants will freely deliver and present their paper in English which will also be published in congress book upon acceptance. Papers will be accepted only in English. Congress presentations can be in Turkish or English. All participants can submit their papers between 7 April 2025-30 August 2025.
We invite scientists, students and all sector representatives to our congress, which will be held at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism.